Gostujoče predavanje: »Podoba in vpliv Kitajske v letu 2024: ohranjanje dvoumja«

Vabljeni na predavanje prof. Oliviera Arifona, strokovnjaka za komunikacijo in diplomacijo s Katoliške univerze v Lillu (Université Catholique de Lille), o podobi in vplivu Kitajske v letu 2024 (»China’s image and influence in 2024: a persistent ambiguity«). Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku, v četrtek, 14. marca 2024, ob 16.20 uri v predavalnici 34, FF UL. 

Predavanje je omogočil raziskovalni program ARIS P6-0243 Azijski jeziki in kulture.

Abstract: To develop their influence, states promote an image, based on a supposedly attractive narrative, and aimed at different audiences. The discourse of the People’s Republic of China focuses on economic (Belt and road Initiative), cultural (from the panda to the Confucius Institutes) and social superiority. Yet this narrative is increasingly malfunctioning. The pandemic, China’s stance on the war in Ukraine, followed by political hardening and tensions with the US form a whole which, when aggregated, is reflected in the polls. China’s image has deteriorated. In spite of this, the Chinese government is pursuing its seductive actions. This lecture presents the reasons for this, as well as some elements of understanding.

Bio: Olivier Arifon (Ph.D) exposes dimensions of influence (soft power, lobbying and disinformation), on regular basis at Université Catholique de Lille. He delivers theses topics as visiting professor or trainer in universities or institutional bodies (France, Germany, China, Brazil, Romania, ENA, UN, embassy of Kazakhstan…). He conducts research at SicLab, Université Nice Cote d’Azur focusing on diplomacy, on China issues and on Osint and democracy. He is the author of many articles and a book, “Le Récit politique chinois, Soft, communication, influence, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2021.