Spletni filmski festival tajvansko-ameriških filmov
Univerza v Helsinkih vabi k spletnem ogledu tajvansko ameriških filmov v sklopu filmskega festivala, ki bo potekal med 5. in 16. junijem 2020. Prijave so možne do 5. junija na povezavi. Vse filmoljubce vabijo tudi k prijavi na webinar z režiserji filmov.
Več informacij na povezavi: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/chinastudies/
Kratki filmi:
Ahma & Alan 阿嬤與阿倫 (2019, 23 min)
by James Y.Shih
A Taiwanese grandma (ahma) has to travel from a rural town in central Taiwan to the capital city of Taipei in the north to pull Alan, her American-born grandson, out of jail before he gets deported by a vindictive police officer.
Jie Jie 姊姊 (2017, 15 min)
by Feng-i Fiona Roan
JIEJIE is a portrait of two young sisters being raised by a single Taiwanese immigrant mother in Los Angeles in 1997.
Huan Dao 環島 (2010, 20 mins)
by Norbert Shieh
A-Zhi returns home to Taiwan for the first time in many years just as his younger brother, A-Yong, is leaving with friends for “huan dao,” or a round-the-island scooter trip. An accident with A- Yongʼs scooter causes them to spend time together in a dysfunctional reunion.
Miss World (2017, 20 min)
by Georgia Fu
A young Taiwanese woman comes home from living abroad, to say goodbye to her uncommunicative father before he has to start serving time in prison.
The Visit 探訪 (2018, 15 min)
by Roxy Shih
A pregnant woman and her husband visit her aging grandmother in the rural mountains of Taiwan only to witness the older woman’s mysterious disappearance through the will of a malevolent mountain spirit.
Dokumentarni film:
Love Boat Taiwan (2019, 63 min)
By Valerie Soe
LOVE BOAT: TAIWAN looks at the allure of the Taiwan Love Boat, one of the longest running summer programs in the world, where college-aged Taiwanese Americans get closer to their history, their culture and each other. Throughout its history the Love Boat has served as a political tool for Taiwan’s government, as a means for Taiwanese American parents to insure the preservation of Taiwanese bloodlines, and as a site for romance for young Taiwanese Americans, reflecting Taiwan’s history as well as the history of the Taiwanese American community.